Soo I guess a lot has happened since I last posted about how my life was going. I’ll try and keep this as brief as I can.
I’ve recovered from the shingles; have a few scars and still get the occasional bout of nerve pain but I’m over it. And I’m now slowly getting myself back to some sense of ‘normal’ it’s taking time and it’s not without its obstacles (namely more bugs) but I’m managing to improve and feel more ‘stable’. I’m in control of the M.E. for the most part.
On April 19th 2014 I managed to attend a 6 hour tutorial for my Open University module – MAJOR achievement! You can read more about my experience and see my top tips for managing here.
My life has and still is revolving around my course work and studying. Although now it’s revolving around revision for my exam in June. I have been managing to spend the odd afternoon out in the garden tending to my vegetable patch – I don’t do any of the hard work but have planted some seeds and sit at the edge and weed etc. when I can.
I’m also making plans for the future and taking tentative steps towards it. I’ll post more as things take shape but the plan is to slowly start building my own business. Right now it’s only in the brainstorming stages and I don’t know if it is possible while I’m still doing my degree but a girl has to earn a living somehow!
I’m busy working on a post for M.E. awareness day; May 12th if you’ve forgotten! But in the meantime there is a group of lovely M.E.’ers who are spending the day dressed as Princesses to raise money for Invest in M.E. You can donate to their JustGiving page here: and find their Facebook page here: If you can’t donate please share their page with others as it’s not all about the money raised; awareness of M.E. is just as, important!! So please support #TeamPrincess in any way you can! Thank you!!
I think that’s all there is to say for now. I’m taking things relatively easy right now, I don’t want to go back to how I was and still have days which scare me. Actually I have moments in the evenings that terrify me, but they’re usually due to tiredness.
Anyway onwards and upwards from here. As always feel free to comment below or tweet me @SmilingClare
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