So today I have submitted TMA05 and the CMA. Things have not been easy during the study of this block, in fact at times studying has been damn near impossible.
I have however really enjoyed this block, much more than I thought I would. It’s reignited my love and subsequent hate of coding!! I love the logic behind scripting languages, and find it really easy to understand and implement. Until I make a really stupid typing error and then I hate it – I always struggle so much to find that (normally tiny) mistake which is preventing it all from working!!
Luckily I had very few such troubles in the process of producing my video for the TMA. And managed to complete it quicker than I thought. Just as well considering how things have been – a nasty virus meant I had almost a week where I was unable to study, and then there’s been days of noise from my neighbours where it has been impossible to get the peace and quiet I need to study or rest.
However with help and support of so many friends I’ve persevered and got through it all, even managing to submit early again – something I thought was totally out of the question at one point!
Anyway I’m taking a very short break from study – a week at most – before moving on to the EMA. All whilst anxiously awaiting the results of the assignments just submitted!
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