Well as has seemingly become habit recently I’m rather late posting this. This blog has been rather neglected lately too; I have all these ideas for posts, some half written in drafts, others still just ideas in my head, but just no energy in the bank to put them together and actually publish them!
But I am hoping to set aside a little time and energy each week to actually start posting again this year. Things are proving rather difficult at the moment, with a lot of admin required which is taking most of my limited energy (more limited than usual due to a lack of sleep) alongside increased symptoms from changing medications while we try and find the right combination to manage said symptoms.
I’m also in the process of trying to find a PA to give my parents some time off each week, but once again that’s more admin and demands on my energy until I find someone which then reduces what else I can manage to do – like writing blog posts, or replying to messages from friends and the list could continue!
Anyway this year I am hoping to create some blog posts specifically about aids and things which help me live independently/make my life easier. I am constantly stumbling across new things which help, saving up and changing aids to see if my latest find is better than what I’ve already got and sometimes just adapting everyday things to suit my needs better.
Fingers crossed this blog might actually get a few more posts on it this year than it’s had in recent years! I still try to be active on social media but even that has been limited lately due to the demands on my energy so I can’t even promise to be active on there – that’s if I even know which one is best to use these days!
Anyhoo I think I better pop off for some rest, and hopefully it won’t be long until you see another, possibly more helpful, post from me soon!
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