So it’s been a busy few weeks here, I’ve been managing to tortoise along at a slow pace. Life seems to have calmed down for a little while, although judging by the look of next week things crank up again!

Things with my health have been pretty stable, I’ve adopted this new level of ‘normal’, and accept I may spend the odd evening lying on the living room floor to ease the dizziness. There is still a whole lot more I long to be doing, but for now I know I need to listen to my body and not push it too much.

I’m still not perfect though, and in certain situations there is no choice but to push it. For example my upcoming hospital appointment in London; the travelling there and back in a day, combined with the appointment itself will use more energy than I actually have, but it is necessary.

In true pacing style, I have finally managed to finish painting my bookcase; it’s taken three months, and a lot of help from my parents, but it is finally done and in my room! Now I’ve just got to unpack the boxes and sort out where everything is going again, a little bit at a time obviously.

I had hoped to do something for M.E. awareness day on May 12th, beyond my usual Day in my Life post, but unfortunately my plans have had to change as my hospital appointment has been brought forward from the end of May to the beginning of it. I don’t know how long it will take me to recover from that, so have reluctantly decided not to put myself under any pressure to do anything more than a blog post or two, and support other people’s events where possible.


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