Well I made it through my exam! It wasn’t half as bad as I was anticipating and I feel I may actually have managed to answer the questions well enough to pass. But who knows?! We just have to wait and see what results day brings. I’d like to thank every single person who wished me luck on my facebook and twitter accounts and for all the prayers I know have been said for me of late. I appreciate every single one and if I haven’t replied to the messages it’s not because the message isn’t appreciated it’s just I fell behind when I was conserving energy and I’ve found it hard to catch up!!
I think the events of recent weeks are really starting to catch up with me now though; despite getting the best night’s sleep I’ve had in about a month last night my body has started to fall apart. Pain levels have increased, joints keep popping out and I’m now paying attention to some of the other things that have started plaguing me like the recurring nerve pain where I had shingles earlier this year!
Despite this I have started making cards again today, it’s something I’ve been longing to do for a while and had all the materials still. I just hadn’t had enough energy whilst studying. Now I’m free for a few months I thought I’d start dabbling in it again. I’d forgotten how enjoyable it is to do!
I’ve also started making plans of how to make the most of my free time and summer (if the weather realises it is summer!). Trips out are in the pipeline, as is a bit of gentle gardening and a sort out of my room. Oh and of course there’s photographing the Trooping of the Colour as it passes over my garden before reaching London on The Queen’s Official Birthday! All these are things I’m unable to do when I’m studying as my degree takes priority over everything but my health.
I’m looking forward to meeting up with friends, writing on my blog a lot more, getting out and generally relaxing! Not having to worry about studying is like a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders. I’m hoping over the next few months despite planning to do all these things I will start improving again healthwise and find myself in a better position when I start my next university module in October. All these things will be carefully planned and pacing myself is still paramount if I’m to succeed in getting my health to improve!
For now I leave you with a massive thank you for your continuous support and if you’re a student or potential student with a chronic illness reading this, I’ve posted some study/revision tips here so hop over there and take a look if you’re interested!
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